Request an Appointment Today with the Top Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Regenerative and Ortho Doctors at our R3 Stem Cell Centers of Excellence nationwide!

Our Treatments

Stem cell therapy for arthritis is now mainstream, and several studies show an average of 82% excellent results. Patients every day are avoiding surgery and obtaining relief with the safe procedures for arthritic knees, hips, shoulders and other joints. If you or a loved one is suffering from debilitating arthritis, you don’t have to accept it, call us today!

Stem Cell Therapy

Regenerative treatments for all types of arthritis, tendonitis, sports injuries.

PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy involves a simple blood draw.

Bone Marrow

Stem Cell treatment using one’s own bone marrow as an outpatient.


Safe, effective amniotic stem cell treatment. No fetal involvement!


Stem Cell treatment using one’s own adipose tissue as an outpatient.